Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dear Dadee,

It's been a while that I haven't seen you. Why are you always leaving Mommy & I?

Mommy is back from space since she left yesterday and now, she's back in my face. She hasn't eaten since she got back [she did try to have that coconut juice but i think it's gone bad! that's why Mommy threw it away] but now, while watching TomCATS [surprise!surprise!] she's having Quaker squares with milk! Mommy has fed me 2 cans of food today since she got back! and i finished up all my food, Dadee! Mommy said i'm just like her, BIG EATERS, we are! =)

Mommy was afraid of me when I had followed her and acted as though i was gonna jump on her while she had milk in her hand! har har har! thought that was funny; seeing Mommy scared like that! then, she let me in the room but i couldn't see you! so i had licked all of Mommy's leftover milk in her bowl! Mommy was so surprised to see me loving milk [just like her!] so much! then again, don't all kitty cats love milk actually!

Dadee, how come there's no cats in this Tomcat movie?

Anyways, Mommy has been staring into her screen like there's no other direction her head can actually turn to... She said she has to work and i have to stop bugging her... she said if she doesn't work, we won't have enaff money to go on holiday. then again, none of you have taken me to any holidays! all you bring me to is Nanny Anne's! you just don't know what they do to us babyfatcats behind those closed doors! please don't let Mommy send me to Nanny Anne's, Dadee!

Mommy told me that she is your wee gurl and I am your wee lad. She also wants me to tell you that she misses you and SleepSwitch so much! what is SleepSwitch, Dadee? ;) she asked me to remind you to hurry home coz she doesn't wanna sleep alone!!! i, too, don't wanna sleep with Mommy. she doesn't snore like you do! =)

i have to go follow Mommy check on her laundry now. Please come back soon Dadee! We all miss you crazily!

Your wee lad,